BMW Group Partner Portal - Usermanagement

Info / Help Page

First Name

Please insert your first name in the edit field; the first name is mandatory. Umlauts are allowed.

Last Name

Please insert your last name in the edit field; the last name is mandatory. Umlauts are allowed.

Email Address

Please enter your company email address (NOT your BMW partner email address). The email address is a mandatory field. Only unique email addresses are allowed which have not yet been used for a user's registration at the Partner Portal. If you enter an email address which has already been stored in the Partner Portal's database you will receive an error message requesting you to check your entry.

Telephone Number

Please insert your telephone number in the edit field; the telephone number is mandatory.

Contact person of the BMW Group

Here you can insert the contact person of the BMW Group. For the admission as a user this information is not required. The contact person of the BMW group is required for the later usage of applications which need an additional approval. Please make sure that the contact person you insert is registered as such and has given his consent yet.

Supplier Number

Please insert your supplier number in the edit field.

Supplier's Plant Code

Please insert your supplier's plant code in the edit field.

Masteradmin registration

In order to finish your registration process we need a confirmation letter from your company.

Please download the attached registration form, print it and let it sign by an authorized officer or your company management.

Finally, please upload the filled and signed registration letter.